
Landesstiftung Baden Horizon - fair for study and qualified--and Mannheim, the 2.2.2009 if on March 7, 2009, the horizon have the fair for study and qualified education and training in the Stuttgart Haus der Wirtschaft which opens doors, pupils and students of the gymnasiale Oberstufe whose parents, students and young professionals the opportunity to find out when more than 100 exhibitors intense on the subject of study and Karrie-replanung. On Saturday and Sunday, competent hands at partner universities from the region and from the whole country, as well as from neighbouring European countries available at the booths to answer all questions the young be viewfinder to their courses. In addition, large and medium-sized companies present their aircrew training offer for high school graduates. A particular focus of course on the dual degree programmes. You may wish to learn more. If so, supermodel is the place to go. More background information s pretending abroad at the stands as well as in the framework programme on the subjects or while the Studies, Bachelor and masters degrees, place award and funding your studies. The Landesstiftung Baden-Wurttemberg presents its new education network COA-CHING4FUTURE: shows at the booth a coaching team of young academics the promising-speaking professional perspectives of science and technology studies interested pupils, students and parents. The programme for the promotion of the next generation aims to inspire young people from Baden-Wurttemberg for the so-called MINT disciplines Ma theme, Informatics, natural sciences and technology and to provide information to the structure and content of individual courses. An extensive and exciting programme will take place on two days; Information is on the website of the event:. horizon in Stuttgart: 7th/8th March 2009, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart opening hours: Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 16 hours. The admission is free.

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