Samsung has launched a new mobile model that includes a digital high definition camera is Samsung SCH-W880. The device has a 12 MP camera with image sensor and 3 x optical zoom. Other features include 3.3 AMOLED screen? with resolution WVGA video recording in HD, information access through HSDPA, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. The phone also integrated DMB TV tuner. Although it would not be the first mobile phone with a 12 megapixel camera, because other manufacturers such as Sony Ericsson will soon market models as well, the Samsung SCH-W880 is not left alone in a number, but it combined with improvements in the optics that will make photos taken with him are best. Indeed, if we look at it from behind, more it resembles a traditional than a phone compact camera, having a lens with optical zoom of 3 x and a control wheel very similar to which included the majority of cameras to select the current mode. If you want to read more about this and other items visit computing and technology.
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