
Game Consoles Conversion - Console Conversion Game consoles are the direct competitor to the Games PC higher faster further whether you converse on the PC or on the game console is a matter of taste. There is no question that a PC can be expanded easily, but quite a few friends have also a console conversion. The motto, which is known mainly from the sport, has its validity for game consoles. There, the exterior is changed first. Blue, green or red light fan be fitted instead of non-illuminated, the Interior into a wooden box or a LEGO - tag. But the important thing is not this so-called case modding but the conversion of internal components or the software. Although the manufacturer see it don't like removing region codes, which should prevent foreign manufacturers. Actress does not necessarily agree. This opens the player the ability to play as an American game, before it arrives here on a console manufactured for the European market. Also users who play video or audio files on your console want to, make so-called mod chips place, the game console as a normal PC use. Now these tags from the pit of illegality are cancelled out. For a console conversion with guarantee includes mostly the installation of mod chips, which can accept all games without any regional codes, directly to boot and allow the operating system of choice. The warranty is pronounced most of the companies building to because the console for the conversion must be opened and thus falls from the normal warranty is out. Chip - tuning and case - modding, so both the individualisation of the gaming console in the optical range and the acceleration of the processor, expansion of the store and unlock drives goes usually hand in hand in the transactions. The console can be ordered directly from...
Chancellery Live in concert: music without (age) border 03.Juli soon, 2012, di SA 20:00, so beautiful voices, handsome men, nice show with fresh songs and popular classics go 19:00 THE 12 tenor back from a successful world tour and here cleaning up old stereotypes, to prove: tenor is exciting! Music from a single voice was never so varied. Of classical Arias to pop anthems, from Puccini's Nessun Dorma"on Madonna's music up to the Michael Jackson-Medley (newly arranged and choreographed!): no genre is safe from them. THE 12 tenor inspire young and old with its rousing energy and are not just musically, but also visually 12 treat. They dance spectacular and extremely charming moderating a boy band of the very special kind. The exceptional singers will be accompanied by an all-female band and no audience can resist the charm of this place. The elaborate staged light show makes every concert a great experience. Especially in China, Japan and his singing is THE 12 Germany TENORS in the last years an excellent reputation. Coming from different Nations, it unites a common goal: to connect their audience with their passion for music. THE 12 tenor maintain a tradition: popular, local songs of the host country they reinterpret and bow from her great audience! Card phone 030-390 665 50 or prices including all taxes: Presale 24.50 39.50 / box-office 20,80 33,60 student tickets at the box office: 12.50 more infos under the 12 tenor: Karl Davies Fraser Findlay Gary Nardella Michael MacAceety Gary Davis Adam Bayjou Benjamin Wong Johannes Beetz Karl Grunewald Alexander Duke Patrick Maubert Joe Foley press and public relations Sabine Wenger M.A.. Christian Busch M.A.. Tel. +49(30)39 06 65 65/66 fax.

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